7/16/2024 -

Seminar sessions managers Departments

شنبه ٦ تیر ١٣٩٤ ساعت ١٢:٣ ب.ظ   ( بازدید : 1992 نفر )

The conference managers of departments were attended in the presence of vice-chancellor for education.








Education of the review and approval process of faculty  members activities recorded in the system, according to the latest changes in promotion regulations was held on saterday, 20/06/2015 (persian date: 30/03/1394).

During the meeting, vice-chancellor for education and Research and Technology, as well as heads of faculties and education centers of university, educational assistants faculties, director of Faculty Members, director of medical education development center, director of educational & postgraduate affairs and managers of departments.

Source : معاونت آموزشی - انگلیسی Print Send to a friend

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