7/16/2024 -

The sixth stage of the Fellowship of Medical Education was held

یكشنبه ٧ تیر ١٣٩٤ ساعت ٨:٥٠ ق.ظ   ( بازدید : 2110 نفر )

The sixth stage of the Fellowship of medical education for faculty members was held.










Tuesday, June 16 (khordad 26), the sixth stage of medical education fellowship was held. During this course the faculty members taught Endnote software practically. This course is taught by a visiting professor at the University of Medical Sciences Mashhad, Mr. doctor khoursand in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery was held.




Source : معاونت آموزشی - انگلیسی Print Send to a friend

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