7/16/2024 -

Board staff of the department of midwifery visited school of nursing and midwifery

شنبه ٢٠ تیر ١٣٩٤ ساعت ٩:٣٤ ق.ظ   ( بازدید : 1708 نفر )

On Monday 18 June, the members of board examiner and evaluation of the department of midwifery visited school of nursing and midwifery








On Monday 18 June, Dr. Tehraniyan, the minister advisor of the midwifery affairs and the chairman of the board examiner and evaluation of the department of midwifery, and Dr. Mirzaee the member of the board examiner and evaluation of the department of midwifery visited the measures taken to establish center for clinical skills, physiological childbirth, maternal and child health, vaccination, and training before pregnancy. In a meeting with faculty members of midwifery, Dr. Tehranniyan said that she is satisfied with the education midwifery students received in their theoretical and practical courses in this university. She expressed that the midwifery department of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences is one of the leading departments in promoting midwifery education, particularly midwifery clinical education.

Dr. Tehranniyan continued her visit to see how they deliver services to pregnant women in Bentolhoda hospital. In her visit, the challenges to set up clinical faculty in Bentolhoda hospital were discussed and negotiated. At the end, in the attendance of the chancellor Dr. Golmakani, Dr. Tehranniyan expressed pleasure of the selfless efforts of colleagues of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, and announced that she is ready to do any help to improve the quantity and quality of midwifery education of this university.


Source : معاونت آموزشی - انگلیسی Print Send to a friend

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