7/16/2024 -

Question & Answer session of new faculty members with Dr. Keynejad

شنبه ٢٠ تیر ١٣٩٤ ساعت ٩:٥٥ ق.ظ   ( بازدید : 1376 نفر )

On Wednesday 25 June, a question & answer session of the new faculty members with Dr. Keynejad, the head of excellent staff of recruitment, was held






On Wednesday 25 June, the question & answer session of the new faculty members of the province universities with Dr. Keynejad, the head of excellent staff of recruitment, was organized by North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences.

 This session was held in attendance of chancellor, vice chancellor for education and director of faculty members' affairs of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences. During this session, new faculty members express their views on the existing problems of the recruitment process and Dr. Keynejad answered their questions.


Source : معاونت آموزشی - انگلیسی Print Send to a friend

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