  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

North Khorasan


About North Khorasan

North Khorasan province is located in the northeast of Iran with an area of 28,179 km2 and a population of 997407 people. Bojnurd is the capital of the province and other counties are Jajarm, Garmeh, Esfarayen, Mane-o-Samalqan, Shirvan and Farouj.

North Khorasan’s heritage includes many historical and natural attractions. A total number of 1300 historical relics have been recorded in the province by the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism organization among which mineral water springs, small lakes, recreational areas, caves, protected, and various hiking areas stand out.

North Khorasan has a heterogeneous population, consisting of different ethnic groups, namely Fars, Kurd, Turk, and Turkmen tribes whose cultural mingling has made the name of 'Treasure of Cultures' becoming for the province.


Mofakham's Mirror House, Bojnourd, Qajar Era


Besh-Qardash Mineral Spring, Bojnourd


Baba-Aman Park, Bojnourd



Rueen Village, North Khorasan


Horse Racing, North Khorasan


Nature of North Khorasan



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