  • 2024/7/27
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Vector-Borne Disease Research Center


Vector-Borne disease research center was found on Jun 2011 and was approved by the deputy of research and technology, ministry of health and medical education on Feb 2013. Council of medical universities in Iran approved this center as an independent center on Apr 2013 and it is willing to conduct research and experiments with researchers and institutes from all over the country.


  1. Expanding and applying the existing knowledge in the field of vector-borne disease.

  2. Conducting fundamental clinical and epidemiological researches in order to improve the society’s health care service

  3. Collecting, organizing and publishing documentations, papers and related documents

  4. Training research staff in the field of Vector-Borne diseases

  5. Encouraging and recruiting the researchers

  6. Collaborating with domestic and international research and education centers and organizations with regard to Islamic Republic of Iran law

  7. Planning to raise public awareness of the Vector-Borne diseases

  8. Participating in regional and national planning and policy making in the field of Vector-Borne diseases

Research Fields:

  1. Entomology and disease carriers

  2. Zoonotic diseases

  3. Parasitology and parasitological diseases

  4. Modeling and epidemiology of the diseases


Department contact info:

E-mail: zrc@nkums.ac.ir

Phone: (+98) 58 31517610-11


Head of department

          Dr. Ahmad Hashemi

          Infectious and Tropical Disease Specialist

          Resume:  hehashemicv.pdf

          E-mail: Hashemya@nkums.ac.ir


Recent Projects:

  1. Design, construction and calibration of dual-channel air sampling pump with programmable timer

  2. Study on the infectivity ticks to CCHF virus by RT-PCR method in North Khorasan (Khorasan shomali) provinces / Tehran

  3. Fauna and Monthly Activity of Sand Flies at Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmanianisis Focus in Qomrooddistrict of Qom Province in 2009


Nasrin GhodratiFar: Research Expert

Mahmood Yazdani: Technician


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