  • 2024/7/3
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Student Loan Registration on the Welfare Fund Portal


Student Loan Registration on the Welfare Fund Portal

According to the announcement of the student loans and mortgages for the second semester of 99-98, the university is pleased to apply for loans in the Student Welfare Portal at http://portal.srd.ir Take action on Friday 25/11/98. It should be noted that with the end of the fiscal year and the need to submit loan documents faster, the registration deadline will not be extended at all.

The general terms and conditions for getting a loan are as follows:

- Set up a Notary Commitment Document in the Notary Office then record the Notarial Commitment Document information on the Welfare Portal and submit the original document to the Welfare Office (students who have not yet used the facility)

- Opening a bank account at Tejarat Bank and submitting it to the Welfare Office for registration (students who have not yet used the facility)

- Provide a valid lease with a tracking code to the Welfare Office to obtain a mortgage

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