  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences



The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) mashine which has instaled in Khatam Al Anbia  Specialized Hospitalis one of the Most advanced and up-todate MRI machines in the world, which was made by Siemens,Germany,which is one of the best companies in the field of medical instrument manufacturing.

since the establishment of this machine in Khatam Al Anbia Hospital in Shivan, many patients from nearby cities have been attracted to this hospital for MRI services,and also patients in this city no longer need to go t5o nearby cities such as Bojnuord and Mashhad.

Also they can recive this service in their own city.

This device can also provide alot of help in many medical diagnoses,which leads to early and ontime diagnisis, and treatments of the patients in all organs  of the brain or orthopedics,spine and etc.

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