  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

M.Sc. in Biomedical Technology


M.Sc. in Biomedical Technology

The Department of Medical Biotechnology was established in October 2013, as decided by the board of university directors in order to develop educational and research activities in the field of biotechnology. The supreme goal of the department is the application of potential and actual abilities and skills of the university and its human resources, including professors, researchers and students, as well as the advanced academic facilities to promote and conduct research on modern medical sciences and fulfill the mission of reaching the global modern scientific level and self-sufficiency.

In this specialty field, students learn about a wide range of concepts in specialized areas, including cellular technology, genetic engineering and molecular analysis. In addition, students are familiarized with the application of these methods in specific medical or pharmaceutical areas, including discovering and designing new medications, immunology, regenerative medicine and treatment of cancer.

The most important goal of medical biotechnology field is improving the level of knowledge of medical biotechnology according to the medical needs of the country and creating a believable attitude among other medical orientations. This can help the formation of new medical-molecular approaches in the country by engaging the scientific and practical capabilities of different medical orientations, in a way that scientific and practical teachings of medical biotechnology field could be applied along with other medical orientations in the area of biotechnology and genetic engineering.  

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