  • 2024/7/27
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences




What is normal vaginal delivery?

Normal vaginal birth is the childbirth process which takes place without any form of medical intervention. Nowadays to alleviate the pain and speed up the delivery process medications might be used (you can choose not to opt for any medical intervention).

All in all, a normal delivery is, in other words, a completely natural delivery of a baby by the mother without any medical intervention. 


During normal/vaginal delivery the primary focus is on how and in which position will the mother be comfortable delivering the baby. The mother can lead the whole process of labor and delivery.

The doctor and attending nurses, aid her while being alert for any kind of emergencies.


Duration of hospitalization

Duration of hospitalization a NVD (normal vaginal delivery) in our hospital is one day and the price of that is 2000$.

Procedure of reception and discharge

Performing treatment is a professional job which makes the patient to take the physician choice and place of treatment into consideration in order to achieve a suitable treatment.
Making your decision to choose us as the hospital to take over your treatment, inform us in writing via fax or e-mail or phone through our IPD (International patient department ) (contact us) so we can consider your request, arrange medical procedure timetable and advise you on the required pre-therapeutic measures.

You can start your contact by referring to inquiry.
1) To send your inquiry, our email address as well as telephone & fax numbers for the IPD section of the hospital, can be found in contact us.

2) After you are informed and your treatment timetable was in accordance with your request, the IPD (International patient department) will inform you of the further steps and methods of payment and appointment time with physician and the place of contract conclusion.

The following documents are necessary for hospitalization and discharge of patients:

1-Health insurance card ( for patients who has it) 
2- ID card or passport (Note: The first thing to do is to get a passport and/or make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months).
3- The original of admission order of physician ( for patients who has it)
4- The presence of parent ( father or paternal grandfather)
5- The presence of husband for hysterectomy.

The IPD staff helps you in duration of hospitalization and informs you to have a better treatment in this hospital.

We thank you for the choice you have made and we insure you that we have considered all domestic and international legal tactics to make your effective treatment within reach, so that you can only concentrate on your complete improvement.


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