  • 2024/7/27
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

History of Hospital


History of Imam Ali Hospital 

Imam Ali Hospital was inaugurated in 2000 by the Minister of Health. Being the only trauma hospital in the province, Imam Ali hospital was expanded and developed later.


Emergency Department

Emergency Department is located in the southern part of the hospital and injured of accidents, fires and burns, and other incidents and also those who need a surgery operation such as appendicitis, kidney stones, heart disease and poisoning. Pregnant women and infants after necessary actions are transferred to Bentolhoda Women Hospital.


Inpatient Ward:


Inpatient Ward No. 1: Neurosurgery patients and eye surgery patients

Inpatient Ward No. 2: General surgery, ENT surgery and urology patients (men only)

Inpatient Ward No. 3: Orthopedic surgery patients (men only)

Inpatient Ward No. 4: Orthopedic surgery patients (women only)

Inpatient Ward No. 5: General surgery, ENT surgery and urology patients (women only)

Each ward has 22 to 26 beds. Each ward has an isolated room with separate welfare services. All the medical equipment are available in each ward.


ICU 1, 2:


Imam Ali Hospital has two ICU, in which there are 12 automatic beds, equipped with cardiac monitors with automatic blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter, thermometer, CVP and artery line. Other equipment like Shock, Portable X-ray Device, Syringe Infusion Pump and Ventilator Serum are also available. In addition to attended physician who visits the patients, patients are also visited by an anesthesiologist daily. Patients are not allowed to have visitors and visitors can only see them through the glass window or monitor.




Hemodialysis unit was built and inaugurated in 2008. This unit has 14 beds. Patients are admitted two or three times a week and each for 4 hours.



Orthopedic surgery, urology surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery, eye surgery, ENT surgery, Gum surgery, implant, physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics are active and offer services to patients.



Optometry, Audiometry, Diet therapy, Specialty clinic

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