  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Patient's Right Charter


Health Service Charter

Getting the desired health services is the recipients’ right.

Health service recipients should be informed in a desirable manner and the given information must be enough.

The health service recipients’ right to choose and decide freely about receiving health care services must be respected.

Providing healthcare should be based on recipients’ privacy and confidentiality.

Access to complaint handling system is the service recipients’ right.



Staff Legal and Ethical Charter

In this charter “Right” means authority and inviolability. The staff can wave their rights graciously.

The right to be treated with respect and properly by staff officers, government agents, inspectors, patients and their companions

The right to have security, including financial, life and job security

The right to legal protection and assistance in cases where they are prosecuted for performing their duties.

Our motivation in hospital is to provide services honestly to people regardless of their nationality and language.

We are polite and courteous in dealing with clients and colleagues.

We believe wearing cloths according to Islamic culture, being neat and tidy and having discipline results in respect and exhilaration.

We welcome patients’ and clients’ opinions, suggestions and criticism.

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