  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Obstetric Ward(LDR1,LDR2)

1:34 433

Labor and Delivery Care

With your birth plan as our guide, our Labor and Delivery teams are here to help make your baby’s birth the experience you want it to be. We’ll work closely with you to support your choices, such as un-medicated or medicated labor and the use of birthing balls, music and other relaxation aids. We strive for a vaginal delivery and only recommend a C-section if your health or your baby’s health is at risk.This section has 17 active beds

In our Labor and Delivery, you can expect:

Support for your birth plan. Our team partners with you to support your birth plan choices, including:




This section is one of the most highly equipped delivery rooms and it is furnished with the modern equipment and facilities.

Delivery rooms are separated and offer the following services:

The practicability of natural delivery based on physiologic and painless methods.

Neonatal health monitoring such as neonatal electrocardiogram (NST) and neonatal heart monitoring.

Pregnancy healthiness monitoring including Tachometry.

Supervised hospitalization rooms with 5 beds with the mother and neonatal health monitoring; equipment in high risk pregnancies and in patients with complaints regarding water-breaking, hemorrhage, reduction in neonatal movements, pregnancy-period hypertension, preeclampsia, pregnancy diabetes, early delivery possibility, risks of abortions and recurrent abortions.

Pregnancy-period educational services including familiarization and preparation for natural delivery (physiologic and painless delivery), pregnancy period physical exercises, pregnancy nutrition, personal sanitation, mental health counseling.

Post-delivery educational services including infant care, appropriate post-delivery physical exercises, breastfeeding training.

Also, mothers who are physicians who are from the Bentol Hoda Hospital can contact any of the questions during pregnancy up to 42 days after childbirth with the following phone numbers and delivery room midwives are ready to respond all day and night.(0583-32236551-163)

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