  • 2024/7/3
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Mission, Vision & Goals



School of Health works in the fields of Education and Research and is based upon health promotion. This school is responsible for training noble and skillful students in health fields to pursue the goals of health system of the country. Educating students with new methods of teaching and in accordance with the latest standards of teaching, through an efficient allocation of resources, facilities, equipment, university technologies, and health care centers, with the minimum cost and also through relations with independent academic centers or those affiliated to university is the mission of this school. NKUMS School of Public Health strives for making an active environment that underlies a logical close relation among students, teachers and environment, to provide required facilities for studying and conducting researches in health care affiliated fields of study so that in addition to learning different abilities, students would be expert in educational, research and clinical skills; they will also learn to be a responsible person in the society and take apart in social activities and those related to their professional field of study.

To provide such an environment demonstrates our interest and commitment to Iran’s 20-year vision plan, and the role of creativity, research and innovation in education. We believe in dignity and human rights, conscientiousness, welfare and health promotion away from discrimination, which are the principles of our responsibility.


Taking advantage of its qualified and skillful academic members and new teaching methods, NKUMS School of Public Health, seeks for training students who are interested in acquiring new knowledge and able in promoting the community health according to the humanistic and Islamic values.

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