  • 2024/7/27
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Patient Rights Charter in Iran



Patient Rights Charter in Iran

Patients’ Rights Charter in Iran was deliver by Ministry of Health in winter 2002.

By this bylaw, all health and medical Centers are obligated to install the charter on visible places in their centers.

This charter contains:

1 -A patient has right to be treated effectively, desirably, and respectfully without caring about racial, cultural, and religious factors.

2 -A patient has right to recognize his/her hospitalization place, nurses, and other medical team.

3 -A patient has right to be informed about diagnosis, treatment, and progress of his/her disease directly or through one of his/her relatives. Obviously, this should not postpone treatment or endanger life of patients in emergencies.

4- Before physical examination or treatment, a patient has right to know about plausible symptoms or application of methods, by his/her perception, or to participate in selection of final treatment style.

5- If desired and while there is no danger for other persons, a patient has right to announce his/her personal consent for treatments, or to refer to the other medical centers according to legal criteria.

6- A patient has right to be ensured about confidentiality of his/her clinical information, the contents of his/her file , the result of his/her examinations and consultations , expect for legal inquiries.

7- A patient has right to deal with confident medical physicians and staff, thus , any unrelated staff should not participate in his/her treatment trend , unless by his/her permit

8- A patient has right to be ensured about possible access to his/her physician and staff during hospitalization, transfer and after clearance.

9- Our hospital has provided all wards, especially in CCU, ICU and Emergency, with the appropriate facilities in term of diagnosis, treatment, monitoring services as well as cases in which the patients’ consciousness is low , to derive due benefit from services offered by the female patients, if requested by the latter

10. Our hospital entitles the service recipient to nominate his/her regular physician and ask consultation by the latter

ATTENTION: The charter of human rights are posted in all Day Hospital’s floors. Patients’ charter of rights are also posted in the ground floor next to reception and in individual wards’ entrances

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