  • 2024/7/3
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences


Imam Hasan Educational, Research and Therapeutic Center
North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Emergency Department 
Located on the ground floor

 Emergency procedures are very important and critical. The most important factors result in emergency conditions consist of various kinds of botulisms, wounds and injuries, critical conditions result from diseases such as acute MI or hypersmolar diabetic coma. Intervention of medical team in such situations plays an important role, because patient survival is so crucial. Quick evaluation of patient condition; on-time diagnosis and proper diagnostic procedures if required; suitable treatment and preserving stable homo-dynamic condition in a very short time with the best quality are the significant professional necessities of the personnel in emergency ward. Considering this fact, Imam Hassan Hospital has focused on providing the required equipment and human resources to achieve the mentioned goal.This unit is equipped with 25adult beds, 4pediatric beds, , triage and screening room, injection and dressing room, one isolate room, one CPR room, 2 operation rooms and a drug stockroom. All the beds and also isolate room are equipped with bed side monitor and connected to a central monitor located in the nursing station through a cordless system equipped with advanced software. So, doctors and nurses at every moment can monitor the patient's vital signs and also electrocardiographic trace. The installed modern monitors beside each bed register the patient's vital signs including blood pressure, heartbeat, respiratory rate.



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