  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

In the meeting with the president of the North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, the Iranian ambassador to Turkmenistan pointed out the special positions and capacities that have been created in this university recently and announced: the launch and development of the department for accepting international patients will give North Khorasan a new capacity for the development of health tourism. has become

Mojtaba Roozbahani, in this meeting which took place at the embassy, ​​referring to the capacities of North Khorasan province in the field of health, noted: North Khorasan, due to its special geographical location, with the synergy of other institutions and the assistance of the embassy and the foreign affairs office, can To become a corridor for the export of medical equipment to Turkmenistan.

Iran's health, medical and pharmaceutical capacities are unrivaled in the region, and this equipment is technologically equal to the latest and advanced equipment in the world, such as Germany, and North Khorasan can strengthen the field of international activities through the countries of the region.

The president of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences also stated in this meeting the plans of this university to achieve sustainable development and stated: The development of scientific diplomacy and the expansion of cooperation with neighbors are the priorities of the plans and effective measures have been taken in this area.

Dr. Javad Shahinfar stated that the programs of this university are progressing rapidly with the three axes of smartening, virtualization and internationalization and by providing infrastructure, he announced: Smartening plan in some hospitals of the province with the aim of facilitating and speeding up Providing services to patients has been implemented.

He also announced and clarified that the health tourism of this province is one of the good and special capacities of North Khorasan: at the same time as there are natural capacities in the province, hospital beds and medical services are also available with the establishment of IPD and international departments in a number of hospitals. The hospitals of the province are ready to accept foreign patients.

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