  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

The president of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences discussed with the representatives of Venezuela at the scientific conference of medical institutions and industries in Ashgabat and emphasized the development of international cooperation and the development of health diplomacy with this country in line with the plans of the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Javad Shahinfar suggested the expansion of international activities in the field of science, treatment and health, saying: common visions between the countries of Iran and Venezuela facilitate the development of international cooperation in the field of health.

Also, as a representative of the Ministry of Health, he announced his readiness to help facilitate bilateral cooperation in the fields of health, treatment and education.

Dr. Shahin Far announced the exchange of students and professors, the holding of virtual and face-to-face short-term courses, among other areas of joint cooperation in the field of medical education, and stated: We can take advantage of each other's experiences in the fields of education and research to realize the path to realization. To smooth the academic goals in this department and achieve new capabilities.

He also mentioned the actions of the university in the field of internationalization and smartening of the infrastructure of the university's health field and listed the hospital and university capacities of the province in this sector, which was accompanied by the welcome of the representatives of Venezuela and the declaration of interest to visit the capacity of the province.

Dr. Shahinfar also expressed his readiness to develop cooperation as much as possible to conclude cooperation agreements, attract international students and patients, and develop health tourism.

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