  • 2024/7/22
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

During his trip to Ashgabat, the president of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences met with the representative of UNICEF in Turkmenistan and had a discussion in line with joint cooperation.

According to Vebda; Fayazi, the Iranian-born representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan, expressing his point of view regarding the development of joint activities, added: "Iran's health programs are commendable because they put people's health at the center.

The president of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences also said: North Khorasan's neighborhood with Turkmenistan, cultural affinity and similar views are grounds for facilitating the development of cooperation with this country, and the University of Medical Sciences, with the benefit of more than 2 thousand students as well as professors and Academic elites have a good platform for the development of scientific relations.

Dr. Shahin Far also spoke about the university's internationalization programs and added: The establishment of international hospital departments, IPD and other measures has created a new capacity in attracting foreign patients and developing health tourism.

According to Vebda; Fayazi, the Iranian-born representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan, expressing his point of view regarding the development of joint activities, added: "Iran's health programs are commendable because they put people's health at the center.

The president of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences also said: North Khorasan's neighborhood with Turkmenistan, cultural affinity and similar views are grounds for facilitating the development of cooperation with this country, and the University of Medical Sciences, with the benefit of more than 2 thousand students as well as professors and Academic elites have a good platform for the development of scientific relations.

Dr. Shahin Far also spoke about the university's internationalization programs and added: The establishment of international hospital departments, IPD and other measures has created a new capacity in attracting foreign patients and developing health tourism.

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