7/22/2024 -

education (3949 view)

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  1. Establishing talented students unit

  2. Recognizing in charge persons for units

  3. Identifying talented students among university students base on national and NKUMS protocols and rules.

  4. Designing internal work protocols by using established protocols from ministry of health and other universities

  5. Participating in talent student related meetings in ministry of health

  6. Establishing talent student guiding committee 

  7. Preparing information brochures for informing talented student bout existing special offers related to their education

  8. Identifying supervisor professors for talented students

  9. Organizing teaching workshops on different titles like English language, proposal writing, and time management for talented students

  10. Sending talented students to university student scientific Olympiad and achieving good results

  11. Creating strategic plan of talented students unit in EDC chart

  12.  Informing talented students about rules and related offers for easy joining of them to post-graduate programs in other universities.

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